Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Wolf in Rabbits Clothing

"I think I got some help I don't really need..." - B.B. King

Marc H. Rudov is author to various anti-feminist books and wonderfully illustrated articles published on Men's News Daily. I implore you to read some of his older articles, Why Men Avoid Commitment or more recently CBS Profits From Dumb Dads. However after reading his latest book I felt aversion toward one of his points touching on women. Let us look deeper into Rudov's work, specifically his most recent undertaking entitled Under The Clitoral Hood, which I suspect is doing more damage to male-female relationships than good.

Under The Clitoral Hood proclaims to teach one how to garner women "without cash, booze, or jumper cables". The beginning of the book starts out with good advice; don't date a girl who shows no reciprocity. Then the author jumps to conclusions as to how women are sex crazed fiends whose sexuality might be on par or even, surpass a man's. Are we so sure this is the case? Esther Vilar states in her profound exposé, The Manipulated Man, that women demonstrate more enthusiasm toward a fancy dinner party than sex. Contrarily according to Rudov women are so focused on acheving wild orgasms that men nowadays are competing with mechanical stimulation aids, vibrators, or "rampant rabbits"(see above photo). He refers to TV adulteress Eva Longoria who keeps a collection of "rabbits" in her garage to give to her female friends. It gets better though, Rudov surmises that if men could just take hold of the "engine" (female clitorus) women would be more faithful. This is nonsense, as Sam Fryman has stated in his excellent E-books, none of us should imagine we are so special that a woman we like couldn't love someone else, or no woman should imagine the same.

I find this topic of heightened female sexuality to be ridiculous and mainly mainstream media propaganda. REAL women prefer a man who can be genuinely intimate not someone who will spend hours at the "bearded clam". If you are with a girl who needs a simulated rubber phallus you would do well to believe her character is also made of rubber, and you are with the WRONG woman. If you are with a woman who feels that your ability to stimulate her sexually, determines her loyalty and respect, you are with the WRONG woman.

There is more to dissect in this book, but I feel it is best saved for a future post. In the meantime save $10.00. (NOT SAFE FOR WORK)


qrswave said...

"Then the author jumps to conclusions as to how women are sex crazed fiends whose sexuality might be on par or even, surpass a man's"

I didn't read further - don't think I have to.

The man is either a sociopath or knows nothing about women - either way his advice should be thrown directly in the trash - do not pass go, do not collect 200.

qrswave said...

btw, many thanks for the link
